Monday, May 5, 2008

Soccer Bumps and Bruises

I'm so glad Geoff came to my last game...because people always ask me when I tell them we've sent 3 women to the hospital "What on earth are you guys doing out there to get so hurt?" You know...we PLAY. And we play HARD. And there's a lot of bangin into each other and tripping and head crashes. We play to win! And we have fun. But we pay for it the next day, that's for sure!

We play in the North Texas Women's Socer Association ( Our team name is SOS. We play in the Over 30, Division 5 (Wimpiest of the Wimps). We won a couple of games in a row and thought to ourselves....hey we might even move up! But then we lost 2 very brutal physical games in a row...and now we're thinking we're pretty well placed in our correct division. GO SOS!

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