Thursday, May 22, 2008

1st Communion, Final Concerts

Joseph received the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist on Saturday May 17, 2008. He did a great job! Alex and I played in a little string ensemble for the mass and Kristen was an Altar Server (book holder). It was a beautiful mass and had tons of friends and family around to wish Joseph well. The weather was absolutely gorgeous! We spent a lot of time grillin and visiting out in the backyard!
On Sunday the All Saints String Ensemble had their final concert for the year. Kristen did great! Alex forgot his music and I was so stressed out worrying about Alex that I even started playing the WRONG SONG on one of the pieces. AY! Other than those few little things the concert was great. I was able to play the Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 with the Advanced Group and it sounded great! Maybe next year when Alex is a little older I'll get to stop worrying about him. Kristen was such a huge help!
On Monday evening Joseph and Alex had their final Cub Scout meeting for the year. Alex received his fishing belt loop. He should have also gotten his Bobcat Badge and Joseph should have gotten his soccer belt loop. But there was some confusion and they'll have to get it next go around. The were able to launch their very first rockets that they built with their dad. Both rockets launched successfully. Coming down was another problem. Apparently we launched them in a very tree-filled area and they got caught up in the branches. Frank and I laughed that the next big wind storm comes through and the ground is going to be littered with rockets!
Last night Kristen had her end of year orchestra concert for school and she did phenomenal. The whole orchestra did a great job! It was a successful year for the string program at All Saints. Looking forward to next year.
Whew! I think that gets me caught up to today. Business is picking up. I wrote a contract last night and have 3 new loans. So having business is always a good thing. Memorial Day weekend is coming up. Indiana Jones is coming out...looking forward to a great next few days!

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