Friday, May 9, 2008

Dallas Holocaust Museum

I went on the 6th grade field trip, today to the Dallas Holocaust Museum. If you ever question why you ared on this earth...just watch a bunch of 12 year olds learn about the deaths of MILLIONS of jews. And then tell them that their OWN country had asian concentration camps, and genocide STILL OCCURS in places like Bosnia and Rwanda. We had lots of tears you want to know how K-Ban reacted? She was pissed! She asked how could we let millions of women, children, and men be killed for no reason? How could we listen to one man named Hitler? She said, "Mommy, I'm not sad. I'm mad! Not on MY watch!" That's my girl. I told Frank what she said and he asked "Yeah, what's she gonna do about it?" Gimme a little time and I'll show you!

We got some summer enrichment books for Alex. He is 3rd grd math, reading, science, and social studies. 2nd grade spelling, 1st grade writing. We're still debating the whole "skipping 1st grade". Guess we better decide soon. When Alex saw the books I brought home he devoured them! They won't last a whole summer. Hmmm... And he keeps moving ahead with his cello. He's brilliant!

Joseph is at his 2nd sleepover tonight. I wonder how he is...

I think tonight Frank and I are gonna watch I am Legend. He's gotta put in a new battery in my car. My car left me stranded last night. He left to go pick up the battery and Kristen from her last schooldance of the year.

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