Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Oh Look! It's yet another primary Tuesday!

I watched an episode of Daily Show with Jon Stewart where he was making fun of the Democrats that split GUAM! "They SPLIT GUAM! EVEN GUAM COULDN'T DECIDE!" So Barack will "take" North Carolina and Hillary will "take" Indiana. Feels like we're playing Red Rover. No offense to my family in Florida....but the dems there MESSED UP by not having a "normal" primary that would count! Oh well.

Frank and I registered Kristen for her BIG leadership trip to Washington, DC this summer:

She's going to be staying at the University of Maryland. I hope it turns out as great as I think it will. Should be really interesting since it's an election year. Of course, they might just send her back saying "That child doesn't need ANY leadership training!" We shall see. I'm going to pick up our future leader from school a little early. She has an ortho appointment. I think she gets her bottom braces today. Stay tuned for a new picture.

My favorit You Tube video for now:

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