Thursday, June 19, 2008

Trying to Catch Up

Wow! Been too long since I last blogged! Sorry bout dat!

Since then:
kids have gotten out of school
closed a loan
Kristen started DECATs
boys did a soccer camp
I started indoor soccer (is a blast!)
Played fidle at Lochrann's in Frisco
Saw Indiana Jones
Hillary has bowed out of the race and endorsed Obama
Al Gore has endorsed Obama

So basically stayed busy but without the complication of school.

I IMd with Kelly today and he sent me this link for this crazy walkway called El Camino del Rey (which translates to the King's road). And lemme just say here is no way I would go on this walkway. Do NOT watch this if you dizzy really easily or suffer from any form of vertigo. (If embedding the video doesn't work I'll try to include the url)

Til next time!
