Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Good Riddance 2008

So we hit the end of another year. Usually my even numbered years are my good years....well not this year. I went into a deep depression that I think I'm still crawling out of. But in 2009 I see HOPE and CHANGE on the horizon!


Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Thank you America. Now I don't have to move to New Zealand!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Wow! Been too long since I last blogged. Been keeping most if not all my thought over on my Facebook page...but I do have a short video which sums up a lot of what I've been thinking lately...Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Global Warming

OK, so I've decided the dbate really rages that people are no longer denying there IS Global Warming...they're just denying that it's MAN who is creating it. So I guess we just need to tell them, regardless of WHO'S doing it we all can do something to fix it. So let's just DO it!

Monday, July 28, 2008

What if the Beatles were Irish?

Sent My Leader to Washington, DC

I sent Kristen off to DC yesterday morning! She was all set to go. She actually called me when the plane landed and said "We made it!" Then she called me last night to tell me all the cool things she's doing. She's staying at the University of Maryland dormitory. At the airport we found 3 other girls from this area at the airport gate waiting area. All Kristen's age. So on my drive home from the airport I had that sad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I'm so proud of Kristen and excited for the opportunities she's getting...but I have a bit of anxiety that something bad might happen to her. After Kristen left, Alex decided he would move out too. So he just up and packed his things and moved out to the club house in the backyard! He took his shower last night with our garden hose! And he's watering the jalapeno's I'm growing back there so he'll have food to eat. I woke up this morning to find him "washing" his clothes with my garden hose. GOOD LORD! Funny, how he comes by to "Visit" when it's meal time or there's a good show on tv!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Cool You Tube Video

I forgot I wanted to add this video the last time I posted. Thought it was cool! Enjoy!